Bureau Spectacular

Another Fortress of Solitude (A Crown of Love Story)

Unbuilt, 2013

Team: Jimenez Lai, Joanna Grant, Frank Gossage, Felipe Oropeza

Another Fortress of Solitude (AKA Crown of Love) is a park pavilion proposal somewhere in Siberia. It was a finalist for the Nicola’s Belvedere competition.

A collection of volumes were generated by projecting contrasting graphic shapes through the xy, xz and yz planes. This is the triple-extrusion technique we developed at Bureau Spectacular, where the six orthographic projections of a typical cubic geometry will never result in a square or rectangle.

This project is a story about architecture with personalities. It bundles a group of archi-characters into a singular mass. Individually, each character takes abstract graphics to suggest distinct personalities. The decks have a range of heights. They introduce a variety of viewing opportunities for visitors to engage one another on various levels of platforms.

Inside this structure, there are spaces with high ceilings for dinners, events, or performances. The additional floors allow for views, let in light, and make faces for the archi-characters on the façade. The thickness of the walls can be used for storage, shelves, or Murphy beds. We focused on five grains of wood to produce very subtle differences between parts on the façade.

Like an ancient wooden fortress or a collection of oversized chess pieces, this project has a heavy presence in the forest. At night, it is a sanctuary, welcoming wanderers to rest.