Bureau Spectacular

Point Clouds

Installation, 2009

Team: Jimenez Lai, Kamil Kroll, Meghan Funk, David Ruffing

Construction Team: Kaveh Arbab, Joon Chung, Josh Lowrance, Nick Stover, Brandon Horn, Chris Bartek

Special Thanks: Paola Palombo, Eric Schall

Point Clouds is an indoor installation at the Extension Gallery in the Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago.

This project is composed within a nine-grid, operates on a flexible joinery system: all connections are multi-directional elbow-joints. When one connection point is moved, the entire structure deforms. This allows the piece to become interactive with the visitors, as they are able to actively move the control points and transform the grid. The dimensions of the grid are highly suggestive of sitting, grabbing, or leaning. The control points self-illuminate, just like a Rhinoceros model when the points are turned on and selected. This is an analog simulation of a parametric model.