Bureau Spectacular

White Elephant

Installation, 2011

Place: Louisville, KY

For: Land of Tomorrow (2012), MoMA permanent collection (2014)

Team: Jimenez Lai, Thomas Kelley, Cyrus Penarroyo, Andrew Akins

On Site Support: Mike Mead, John Stoughton, Anton Bakerjian / Fabrication: PR&vD, Andrew Akins / Photography: Magnus Lindqvist, Kyle D. Eberle and Kamil Krol / Special Thanks: Drura Parrish

The White Elephant is an indoor installation art project originally launched at the Land of Tomorrow in Kentucky, and later exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The White Elephant tumbles like a flipping jack. As this structure flips in many orientations. This project changes the proportions of its massing to attain new readings. This project is a matryoshka situation: it is a building inside a building. It is also a study on things that are hard on the outside, and soft on the inside.

This installation is in the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.